Next Reunion


    First name

    Last name


    Contact number


    Ways you can help

    Do you have any Elmfield memorabilia e.g. woodwork, metalwork, clay modelling, handicraft, photos, etc that you would like to display at the reunion?


    Are you able to help by providing buffet style food and soft drinks?


    Are you able to help out on the day, either on reception, catering, setting up ready for 10am, clearing up at the end at 4pm?

    Yes – please highlight in the box below

    We would like your help in planning the next reunion, what you would like to see included.
    We would like to make the reunion a day to remember, for example you might be able to help by organising games on the front lawn, taking photos and video?

      These are just some ideas that may be available by default

    • Class room tours
    • Hands on craft displays
    • Performances, for example Stream of Sound Singers
    • Games on the front lawn, for example Rounders, Fun sports day (with not to many races)
    • Condolence table, In loving memory of those alumni we sadly miss.
    • Photo and craft display of items lent by alumni for the reunion

    Your reunion ideas



    Will you require accommodation?

    yes If Yes, how many for?


    Will there be other guests accompanying you to the reunion?     


    Do you or any member of your party have any special dietary requirements?

    VeganVegetarianGluten freeAllergies, please specifyNone


    Are you or any member of your party disabled


    Agree and send

    – Please tick to confirm you have read our GDPR terms & conditions